Performance Update (Web)

Go through video tutorial:



  • STEP 1: In the lower left navigation you will get your profile there, so when you are clicking on the profile you get ORGANIZATION, PROFILE, ADDITIONAL RESOURCES, PERFORMANCE, AWARDS, GIVE FEEDBACK, LOG OUT.

  • STEP 2: Click to open Performance page which you can also call EVALUATION page.

  • STEP 3: In this page, you can see one section called NEW EVALUATION, So here you are getting 5 points, USER, COMMUNICATION, ENTHUSIASM, PARTICIPATION, QUALITY OF WORK, DEPENDABILITY
  1. User, you can add the user whom you want to evaluate
  2. Communication, you can evaluate the user on the basis of communication
  3. Enthusiasm, you can evaluate the user on the basis of Enthusiasm
  4. Participation, you can evaluate the user on the basis of participation
  5. Quality of work, you can evaluate the user on the basis of the quality of work
  6. Dependability, you can evaluate the user on the basis of dependability
  7. Your evaluation scale will be 1 to 10, and you can drag the slider accordingly

  • STEP 4: After evaluation click on the ADD button, now you can see the EVALUATION table, here you will have user’s EVALUATION history.,

NAME, Name of the user whom you are evaluating

Communication, Score for communication given by you

Enthusiasm, Score for enthusiasm given by you

Participation, Score for participation given by you

Quality of work, Score for quality of work given by you

Dependability, Score for Dependability given by you

Date, Date of evaluation

Remark, you can add remarks here(say something as a comment)

Action, you can remove the data.

You can also click on export pdf, if you want to pdf about Evaluation history.

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